About a week ago, I shared a quick rant on Twitter that basically said: "I'm tired of baseless pitches from SEO experts,...
Arik’s Social Media Blog
Arik’s social media blog has been in publication for more 12 years and recognized by industry outlets like PRWeb and PRWeek as one of today’s leading industry blogs. With 1,500+ posts, his content is frequently syndicated on popular sites like PR Daily, Social Media Today, Business Insider and Ragan.com.
Are agency people bigger huggers than corporate types?
I posed the following question to friends on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+ yesterday: Is hugging OK in the...
The social media job scene: How the last four years have played out
Have you realized there's been an awful lot of movement in the social media ranks of late? Come to think of it, over the...
6 “must-have” elements to a “digital PR” workshop
A couple weeks ago, a potential client and asked if I'd be interested in leading a training session for the corporate...
Is corporate America killing our PR writers?
Go ahead, re-read that press release you just wrote. I'm willing to bet I'm going to find one of the following phrases in...
The Pitch: A review of the new AMC show (pilot) from a PR perspective
Earlier this week, I sat down to see what all the fuss was about and watched the pilot of "The Pitch." If you haven't heard...
Why half of all PR students will be working at Burger King in 3 years
I was asked to be a part of a University of Minnesota PRSSA event last week. Speed dating for PR folks. It was pretty cool...
What the characters of Friday Night Lights can teach us all about PR
I was rather late to the party, but I finally got around to watching all five seasons of Friday Night Lights earlier this...
Why the whole “you can’t teach social media unless you participate in social media” myth is busted
"Why should I hire this consultant to build/manage my Facebook page--he can't even run his own Facebook page." We've all...
Why 2 million companies should shut down their Facebook page
A few weeks ago, a Recommend.ly study claimed that a whopping 56 percent of brand pages had less than 256 fans...