If you’ve worked in the Employer Brand-Social space for any length of time, you know, great case studies and good work is hard to come...
READ MOREHow long before brands completely abandon Twitter?
by arikhanson | Aug 23, 2016
Before you click away, I encourage you to read on. Because this isn’t one of those typical “Twitter is dead” posts....
READ MOREMeet Minnesota’s Power PR Couples
by arikhanson | Aug 22, 2016
If you’ve worked in this industry long enough, you’ve probably met one: A PR “Power Couple.” You know, that couple that...
READ MOREIf you were going to build a social media team from scratch how would you do it?
by arikhanson | Aug 17, 2016
Look, I’m comfortable in my current position as an independent consultant. In fact, I’m thrilled I get to do this job day-in and...
READ MOREWhy LinkedIn is completely missing the boat with its new influencer videos
by arikhanson | Aug 15, 2016
In case you missed it, LinkedIn announced some “big news” last week: It gave 500 influencers the ability to post videos right in...
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