FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (tongue firmly planted in cheek) Arik Hanson ACH Communications, Inc. [email protected] ACH Communications unveils...
READ MOREMy national industry conference FOMO problem–and what I’m doing about it
by arikhanson | Sep 22, 2017
SXSW. PRSA National. International IABC. Social Media Marketing World. Content Marketing World (just a few weeks ago!). I haven’t been to...
READ MOREWhy I’ve decided to break one of my golden social media rules
by arikhanson | Feb 27, 2017
When it comes to personal and professional social media use (and those are the same for me), up until about two weeks ago, I had to big rules....
READ MOREFruit baskets or Nut Assortments: What’s the best approach for PR client holiday gifts?
by arikhanson | Dec 20, 2016
Every year about this time (actually, much earlier than this, but for effect we’ll go with “about this time”), I run into the...
READ MOREHow my golf game is a perfect metaphor for my professional career
by arikhanson | Sep 30, 2016
I’ve had a pretty incredible golf week. I spent last weekend playing four unbelievable courses in Brainerd (The Classic, two courses at...
READ MOREThe only answer to the question: “How do you do it all?”
by arikhanson | Apr 25, 2016
It’s a question I get a lot from industry peers and friends: “How do you do it all?” It’s the same question I ask of...
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