One of the biggest drawbacks of working for yourself is the complete and utter lack of a team. I work by myself at my home office most days. I...
READ MOREThe employee tech experience: The chasm between personal and professional tools grows
by arikhanson | Nov 9, 2015
Five to six years ago, one of the big conversations you heard a lot about was around how many companies were blocking Facebook at work. There...
READ MOREEngaging media on Twitter: Through personal or corporate accounts?
by arikhanson | Nov 4, 2015
Ran into an interesting situation recently with a client. Part of our work is media outreach. So, not surprisingly, one way we’re staying...
READ MORETalking Points Podcast: 9 trends in tech and media for 2016
by arikhanson | Nov 2, 2015
In this episode of the Talking Points Podcast, Kevin and I talk about tech and media trends–from a little different perspective (that of...
READ MOREREI’s #OptOutside move: Isn’t it really all about the money?
by arikhanson | Oct 28, 2015
First, I want to share this disclaimer: I’m an REI member and a HUGE fan. My son and I LOVE REI. Second disclaimer: This was a brilliant...
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