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My blogging experiment: One post a day in January


Starting tomorrow, Jan. 1, 2014, I’m starting an experiment. I’m going to attempt to blog every business day in the month of January.

Aggressive? For me, yes. Every post will come from me–no guest posts. No submitted posts. All content written or curated by me.


Why the experiment? I’m curious to see how blogging more will impact:

* Unique visitors (will I see a spike in January or will readership stay flat?)

* New vs. returning visitors (right now, I get a ton of traffic from search–mostly new visitors; will that change?)

* Number of e-newsletter signups (will this spike, too?)

* And a number of other blog metrics I track on a monthly basis.

If you’re a regular reader, I hope you’ll please hold me accountable to this goal. With client work, family needs and other demands on my time, this is going to be tough for me.

I typically resolve to post 2-3 times a week–and have for the better part of the last five years. But, five posts a week? That’s going to be hard.

But, I promise to give it my best shot. I can’t promise the quality of the posts will all be A+. There’s bound to be a few snoozers in the roster for January. But, I’ll do my best to write about topics and ideas I think are interesting to you–which is always my primary goal.

We’ll see how I do. I hope you’ll consider reading and following along. And, please, let me know how I’m doing throughout the course of the month.

And I’ll do my part by sharing the results of my experiment with you all in early February. It should prove to be pretty interesting.

Any particular topics you’d like to hear more about in January?



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