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6 Facebook enhancements you may have missed since Jan. 1


We’re just three months into the New Year, but in case you haven’t noticed Facebook has made a TON of enhancements and added a number of features to its existing platforms and services.

Facebook Changes

It’s a full-time job keeping up with Facebook, really. If you don’t subscribe to either AllFacebook or Inside Facebook, I’d recommend doing that right about now (using your newly set up Feedly account, of course).

But, if you need the Cliff’s Notes version of what’s happened the first three months of the year, take a peek at the changes below, and what they mean for brands/clients like yours:

Unpublished posts give brands opportunity to test more ads

In what might be the most under-the-radar news so far, Facebook unveiled “unpublished posts” for brands just last week. What does that mean? Brands now have the opportunity to advertise to certain segments of fans without publishing the post to their wall/newsfeed. Translation: Brands won’t have to inundate fans to get the targeting they want. Instead, with unpublished posts, they can run many variations of the same campaign at different segments without clogging up their newsfeed.

Replies and ranked comments make community managers jobs a little easier

Feedly Replies

Big addition for community managers as replies gives you the ability to respond to individual comments instead of responding to multiple people in one comment and tagging folks. Should ease some pain for community managers from big brands to small businesses.

Brands now have more opportunities with cover images

Sony FB

Thanks to recent changes, brands can now use purchase information, contact information and calls to action in their Facebook cover images–something they could NOT do before (but most brands WANTED to do). Keep in mind, you still cannot violate Facebook’s 20 percent rule–no more than 20 percent of the image may contain text. So, don’t go overboard.

New flow for Power Editor makes process a bit easier

Facebook recently made a few layout/flow changes to its Power Editor that make navigating the tool a bit easier (you know what I’m talking about if you’ve used it). The new flow directs you through the process by starting with the type of ad you want to use (sponsored story, marketplace ad, video ad, etc.) vs. what you wanted to promote. Small change, but seems like it may make Power Editor a bit more user-friendly.

Market to prospects similar to your customers

Great new feature for businesses who advertise on Facebook (which should be a growing number by now). You will soon be able to market to what Facebook is calling “lookalike” audiences–those audiences with similar characteristics to your existing customers. The only drawback? It seems to be only available on Facebook’s Power Editor–which still not very many brands and businesses seem to use.

New newsfeed to resemble personalized newspaper

Most folks saw this proposed change–probably the biggest of the first quarter. Facebook’s promise to roll out a new newsfeed later this year. It’ll focus much more on photos–and give users the opportunity to filter the newsfeed in the way they want to see if (most recent posts, friends, photos, pages, etc.). Biggest impact to brands–time to make sure your photo capturing capabilities are finely tuned. Those pics are about to get that much more important.



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