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Top 20 Twin Cities social media innovators


117097746_853e5479b5_oIf you’ve followed my blog for any length of time, you know by now I’m all about the community. And one community I think doesn’t get near the credit it deserves is our social/digital community right here in Minneapolis/St. Paul.

So often in the social world, you hear about Boston, Austin, Chicago, San Francisco. But you rarely hear about fly-over country.

Make no mistake about it: We’re hear. In fact, we’re here in droves. Nearly 300 people turned up for our last Social Media Breakfast. And, we have some of the top thought leaders in the industry right under our noses.

So, I wanted to start recognizing this talent by identifying the top 20 social innovators across Minnesota. And, as usual, I’m calling on you–my community–for help.

Here’s what I’m hoping you can do:

* Leave a comment–or DM me, if you’re more comfortable–with five (max) innovators you’d like to nominate. Bonus points: Provide the reasons behind why you think they are solid candidates.

* The innovators must live in Minnesota (I’m opening it up beyond the Twin Cities because there are at least a few key people who would be on my list who do not reside in the Twin Cities)

* After one week, I’ll tally the results and post the top 20 vote-getters (I’m going to try to work up badges, too).

OK, so, who would you nominate? Let’s have it!

Photo credit: Zinkwasi, FlickR Creative Commons



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