Home Blog Blogging|PR Third Annual PR Reader’s Choice Blog Awards

Third Annual PR Reader’s Choice Blog Awards



Two years ago, I started the PR Reader’s Choice Blog Awards. The motivation was simple: There were all sorts of blog awards, but none specifically chosen by bloggers and online participants. So, I started an awards program that’s based entirely on community participation and voting.

Over the last two years, a number of outstanding PR blogs have been nominated. The following have taken home the “hardware” as PR Reader’s Choice Winners:


Best Up-and-Coming Blog: PR Nonsense (March PR)

Most Educational Blog: Convince & Convert (Jay Baer)

Most Thought-Provoking Blog: Conversation Age (Valeria Maltoni)

Blog of the Year: Spin Sucks (Gini Dietrich)


Best Up-and-Coming Blog: LAF (Lauren Fernandez)

Most Educational Blog: PR 2.0 (Brian Solis)

Most Thought-Provoking Blog: Danny Brown (Danny Brown)

Blog of the Year: PR Squared (Todd Defren)


This year, I’d like to follow the same process we’ve used the last two years.

First, please nominate your favorite PR blog in one of the four categories below by next Friday, June 17.

* Best Up-and-Coming Blog (must have been blogging less than a year to qualify)

* Most Educational

* Most Thought-Provoking

* Best Student Blog (new category for 2011)

* Blog of the Year

You can nominate a blog by leaving a comment below with your name and the URL and name of the blog you are nominating–this is the ONLY way votes will be accepted. You can nominate more than one blog, but only ONE blog per category. And, you can nominate blogs that won last year or in 2009.

Next Friday, I’ll tally up the nominations. The top five in each category will qualify for the final round and public voting, which will begin on Monday, June 20. We’ll vote for a week until EOD Friday, June 24 and winners will be announced on Tuesday, June 28.

Hope you’ll consider submitting a nomination today!



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