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The world is changing. Is your brand adapting?


1315402174_84d1627a5bLast week, my brother made a major life decision. He bought his first house. How did he tell me this momentous news? Most likely one of the biggest buys he’ll make in his life?

He sent me a text.

Earlier this year, another close friend decided to tie the knot. Did he give me a call to share this news? Nope. Wait for a face-to-face meeting? Nah. Again, it was a text.

One of my new online colleagues, Ari Adler, got married earlier this summer. Numerous people tweeted live from the ceremony.

Jason Falls even live tweeted a hospital stay last year.

We continue to see people communicating major life events–marriages, baby’s being born and job changes–on social platforms like Twitter and Facebook. And increasingly, they’re using mobile devices to do it.

Clearly, people are changing the way they communicate. But it’s not just any information, it’s sometimes life-altering news and information. I know this isn’t a big shock for most. But, here the thing:

What’s your brand doing about it?

What is your brand doing to take advantage of mobile technologies to reach your customers? After all, isn’t that where more people are conducting business every day? Think iPhone apps and FourSquare (usage of FourSquare grew from 50K users in May 2009 to more than 200K in August–thanks Dave Erickson).

What is your brand doing to engage customers on social platforms to start meaningful discussions that can help you improve products and services? (What about using Twitter or Facebook in a conference or event setting to crowdsource?)

How is your brand leveraging mobile technologies to connect with employees and foster innovation “behind the firewall?” (What about using Yammer in a mobile way with staff?)

What are you doing to bring your brand to life online? Is your Web experience truly interactive? Are you having one-on-one conversations with your customers? Are you putting your brand champions in positions to tell your story for you? As we become more dependent on mobile devices, your Web site and social platforms will be even more important.

As the way we communicate and share information as a society continues to evolve, brands will have to continue to alter their approach, too. What are you doing to keep your brand in the game?



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