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Send me to BlogWell. I’ll help you get smarter about social media.


blogwell3I have a unique proposition for you. Pay my way to the BlogWell event on Thursday, Aug. 13 in Minneapolis and I’ll help you and your team get smarter about social media.

Sounds crazy? Maybe so, but here me out on the details before you dismiss the idea.

Here’s what I’m offering:

* You pay my way to BlogWell on Aug. 13 and I will help you/your team get smarter about the social space. We can negotiate exact terms, but for example, I could provide: 1) A complete write up of the event complete with video interviews and summaries of each organization’s presentation. 2) A 2-hour social media boot camp session that builds on the case studies shared at BlogWell with my own personal experiences and learnings. 

That’s it. No hidden agendas. No beating around the bush. Pretty straightforward actually. I help you–you help me. Isn’t that the way it should work?

This deal is perfect for:

* Organizations outside Minnesota who can’t make this BlogWell event. Keep in mind, we’re going to hear from people like Allan Schoenberg at CME Group, Lee Aase at Mayo Clinic and Scott Monty at Ford. It’s a killer lineup.

* Organizations right here in Minnesota. Maybe you don’t have time to attend, but you want to extract the learnings because, well, it’s a dynamite list of companies and the content is relevant to your work. Let me do your homework for you. And then some.

* Freelancers/small agencies. Might seem a little steep for the solo/small agency crowd, but believe me, you’ll get tremendous ROI. Learning from case studies like the ones shared at BlogWell is one of the key ways we can all learn best practices in this space right now.

OK, you’re probably wondering, why would I pay you to go when I can just go myself? That’s a fair question and one that may be relevant for some. For others, the answer is simple: Time. Most folks don’t have enough of it these days. I’m offering a simple trade. For $250, I’ll provide you with portable content you can share with your teams. It’s a minimal cost for a big-time return on investment.

If you are interested in funding my trip to BlogWell, please send me a note at arik.hanson@gmail.com or DM me on Twitter (@arikhanson). Thank you in advance–I’d be grateful for the opportunity and think I could lend a lot of value to some organization/individual out there.



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