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Rants N Raves: How do Celebrities Rate on Twitter?


Over the next couple weeks I’ll be featuring guest posts from five students at the University of Minnesota that I met earlier this fall while speaking at a PR class a colleague and friend of mine, Eva Keiser, teaches. As part of that class, Eva assigned the class to write a post they thought would be well-suited for my blog. I chose five that piqued my interest. Below is the first in that series courtesy of Micaela Huber.

In today’s popular culture, the easiest and most perceived personable way to follow your favorite celebrity is Twitter. Whether they be actors, politicians, athletes or musicians, they are now using  social media to share updates about what they’re doing, in addition to using it for other marketing aspects. Celebs are turning to Twitter to stay connected to fans and offer a fresh, new point of view into their lives. I am grading them to examine how well this social media tool actually works to stay connected to fans. Here are a few celebs and what they’re doing on Twitter. And my opinion on how it’s working for them:

50Cent50 Cent: B-

* Tweets link to print free tickets for his “Before I Self Destruct” movie

* Let fans know when to listen to radio and TV talk shows he’s going to be on

* Re-tweets fans’ praises for his work on his page

* Tweets links to new music videos

The links are good marketing tools to get fans to see his movies and buy his music, but his re-tweeting shows narcissism and can be a turn-off. However, it can also be seen as building community.

EllenEllen DeGeneres: A

* Tweets guest list for her show on a daily basis

* Re-tweets fans questions and answers them

* Tweets links to her Web site for fans to win free stuff (like a PS3)

* Wishes fans happy holidays

Great way to stay connected with fans, make them feel included and update them on what’s going on. But fans may get upset if she misses a question they asked or doesn’t answer it.

JasonMrazJason Mraz: D+

* Posts quotes and insights, “? Of the day. What are you saying you are missing out on? What are you passionate about?” November 3.

* Tweets links to his blog

* Congratulates soundtracks and artists that are succeeding (New Moon Soundtrack)

His Twitter stream doesn’t offer much to fans unless they want to receive random insights through the quotes, questions and passages he constantly posts.

JTJustin Timberlake: C

* Posts links to tickets for charity events, concerts

* Posts official concert footage from his concerts

* Shows support for other artists

* Gives fans style tips

His support for other artists and charities advances his reputation. However he could have give-away prizes and tickets to fans to garner more attention.

The most successful celebrities that tweet interact with their fans. The unsuccessful celebrities are those that focus solely on themselves and do not offer fans much. A tip to celebrities: the more tweets that focus on fans and colleagues, the more receptive the audience will be towards you. So, how does your favorite celeb rate?

Micaela Huber is a senior at the University of Minnesota, set to graduate in May 2010. She is working toward her bachelor of arts in individualized studies. When she’s not studying, you can probably find her over at the Minnesota Daily, where she’s worked since August 2008.



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