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My version of the family holiday card


Like most, this time of year, my “snail mail” inbox is filled with holiday cards from family and friends. Most of the photo variety. I actually love those cards because for many, it’s the one time of year, I get a snapshot with the whole family (kids included). Sure, Facebook keeps me updated, but this is the one time of year we get cards from all sorts of folks from family members to friends to professional colleagues.

We used to create a similar holiday card, but we gave it up four years ago in favor of something a little different. A video holiday card, if you will.

Our idea? To not just offer up 1-4 shots of our family on a hard-copy card, but instead to give you 60-plus photos that would tell the complete story of our entire year.

We started this tradition the year our daughter was born (she just turned four). And, it’s been something my wife and I look forward to every year. In fact, we just watched all four videos on our Apple TV in our basement and were laughing and crying as we watched our kids literally growing up in front of our eyes. Incredible.

This year, the slide show includes pics from the weddings we attended this summer, our trip to San Diego in August and our trip to Lutsen/Grand Marais in the fall. What a year. As readers of this blog, friends, and colleagues, I’d like to share our video with you. Because what you see in this video is my life. I have my work–and you see a lot of that through this blog and my updates, tweets and pics online. And, then I have my family. That’s pretty much it. So, this is really as personal as it gets for me.

Hope you enjoy the show. Happy holidays from my family to yours. And, here’s wishing each and every one of you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!




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