For the first few years of my solo PR life, I spent a lot of time working out of coffee shops and other common spaces. I also spent a fair amount of time at client spaces. I also joined CoCo Minneapolis when it opened a couple years ago.
This past year-plus, I spent an inordinate amount of time working from home. Why? I had to keep my head down and crank on the client work front. Heavy workload forced me to hibernate–even in the lovely summer months.
The drawback for me in working from home is simple: When am I NOT working? When the wife and kids come home, things still feel like work as I never really leave the home environment all day.
On the upside, that means working in your jammies and slippers. It means saving a TON of time. It means being uber-effiicient. All good things.
But, it also means I lose my connection with the outside world.
I miss people.
So, last week I signed up to be a part of the local CoCo community again (that’s coworking for those not in the Minneapolis area) as they just opened a great new space in the Uptown area (which is a bit closer for me). I believe this will be a great win for a number of reasons:
* Gets me out of the house and interacting with humans again (not that I wasn’t before but not on a scheduled basis)
* Increases client opportunities (that’s part of the CoCo brand–they aim to make connections)
* Reconnecting with old friends (I’ve been a big supporter of the CoCo gang–Kyle and Don–from the beginning, so it’s nice to see a lot of familiar faces already)
* Being a part of something bigger than just me (there’s also an inherent coolness about CoCo–something about being a part of something bigger than just yourself; that’s a huge, but underlying, benefit).
Since so many people have already asked me what the place looks like, I thought I’d share a few pics:

The third, and final, conference room is a full-functioning movie-theater-style space. Perfect for pitches and client presentations.