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Is there a void of advanced social media content on the conference scene?


Two years ago, I had the wonderful opportunity to help Jason Falls put together the social media business track at BlogWorld in Vegas. It was my first BlogWorld and helping organize the track gave me a chance to get to better know Jason–and many of the speakers. Relationships I keep up to this day.

Last year, I had the opportunity to lead the track along with my friend Chuck Hemann. With help from an advisory board and the BlogWorld conference team, we put together a pretty solid track of topics and speakers that included folks like Todd Defren, Dave Fleet, Jay Baer, David Griner and Shel Holtz, just to name a few.

However, as much positive feedback as we got about the track, we also received some constructive comments. One of those concerns was that we lacked more “advanced content.”

That got me thinking–is there a void of advanced social media content when it comes to the conference scene? And, what does this “advanced content” look like anyway?

For me, advanced content comes down to more of the nitty-gritty details. The innovative strategies and ideas around how to use the tools to achieve success for our clients/organizations.

Last year at BlogWorld, one of the best sessions I sat in on was Maggie Fox’s presentation on the combination of earned and paid social media. In my view, Maggie’s session was definitely “advanced content.” She talked about approaches using tools like Digg, StumbleUpon and Outbrain I hadn’t heard of anyone implementing before. And, she had research and data to back it up. She had examples. She had results.

What do you think? What does advanced content look like in today’s conference environment? What would you like to see? I’d love to hear your thoughts as we think about what this might look like at BlogWorld in New York City and Los Angeles this year.



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