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Introducing Talking Points Mini-Strategy Sessions


For the last few years, I’ve heard a few common refrains among friends and colleagues working for smaller and mid-sized organizations:

“I need social media marketing help, but I’m not sure I can afford an agency.”

“I just need a quick, fresh perspective when it comes to my communications approach.”

“I need to revamp our social media strategy, but I’m not sure where to start.”

For the last eight-plus years, I haven’t really been able to help the folks who come to me with these types of questions at these types of organizations.

But, that changes today.

Introducing Talking Points Mini-Strategy Sessions (I know, I know, innovative name)!

These mini-strategy sessions will include:

  • Up to five hours of time (meeting + pre-meeting research)
  • One in-person meeting up to two hours in length at the location of your choice
  • Deliverable will include a one-pager/short deck summarizing our meeting and the outcomes of your request (strategy, ideas, recommendations, etc.)

I’m hoping the price tag for these mini-sessions will be a bit more attainable for those who can’t afford an agency, although I’m not sharing that information publicly (please send me a note at arik@arikhanson.com for more).

Rest assured, it’s more than a fair price, especially considering how much you’d pay for the same service at any agency (and, keep in mind, you wouldn’t get someone with 20+ years experience working on that strategy either).

Use the time and meeting to revamp your social media strategy.

Use the time and meeting to explore influencer marketing options before investing further.

Use the time and meeting to peek at your existing social media activities and see what’s working, and where you could use additional help.

Use the time and meeting to brainstorm digital marketing and communications ideas for an upcoming new product launch.

It’s really meant to be an uber-efficient use of resources toward a key project, goal or strategy you’re responsible for.


Drop me a note at arik@arikhanson.com and let’s get started!



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