Home Blog Social Media Tools|Trends How brands can make money–fast–using Jelly

How brands can make money–fast–using Jelly


Finally, the social app that changes everything.

The app that will completely transform the way businesses engage and interact with their customer bases.

And, a tool that will help your company make real money–fast–in the weeks and months ahead.

Yes, I’m talking about Jelly, folks. The cool, hip new app from the guy who brought us Twitter. After all, if Biz Stone can give us Twitter, every app and tool he’s involved with from here until the end of his days will most likely be a huge hit and brands should be hanging on his every word, right?

Jelly app

Jelly is an app, much like Quora, designed to provide a sort of Q&A-type forum for users in a more visual format.

But, brands can use Jelly to make REAL MONEY and turn your company from a small, unknown firm to the next Starbucks–all in just a matter of a few weeks!

How can you do it? All you have to do is keep the following in mind:

Set up an account and just watch the customer questions start pouring in!

First things first–start a brand Jelly account today! You definitely don’t want to lag behind your competitors here. Do it right away! Remember, with every new tool that comes out now, you HAVE to be the first to adopt said tool. If you don’t, you’re falling further and further behind. It’s just that simple.

Your customers are just DYING to ask you questions!

Your legions of customers online are just waiting–no pining–to ask you questions about your products and services. Quite simply, it’s all they think about most days. Pay no attention to ‘selfies’–those are soooo 2013. 2014 is the year of the visual customer question!!!!

Not  a believer? Remember Twitter? Biz Stone founded both!

Remember when Twitter broke on the scene in 2006? No one cared. No one payed any attention to it. Then–BOOM! It blew up. Jelly’s going to do the EXACT same thing. You can’t afford to sit around and wait–be an early adopter. Get in there while there aren’t as many brands  and engage!

Still  not a believer? Just wait for Jelly 2.0–it’ll be the bomb!

This first iteration of Jelly may have holes, but just wait for Jelly 2.0. It will completely change everything. With a better UI, more features and analytics, Jelly 2.0 will be everything you ever wanted in…well…Jelly.

Sorry folks. Couldn’t help but post this parody today. Not that I haven’t been guilty of a post like this in the past, but I thought I’d have some fun with it. My real thoughts on Jelly? As with most new tools and apps, I think it’s usually a wait-and-see approach. Seems awfully novel to me, but you never know. I do think a bit social media attrition is setting in now. Sure, there may be a subset of the population that may use Jelly religiously (think Quora), but I don’t see it going anywhere near as mainstream as Twitter (Biz Stone be damned!). Remember, the online climate is a lot different than it was in 2006, folks…



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