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Do you have a board of directors?


After an interesting dialogue with Scott Hepburn recently about selling and merging Twitter accounts (he actually posted his Twitter account on Craig’s List earlier this week), I got to thinking, as the CEO of my Twitter account, blog and professional life, do I need a board of directors to advise me, bounce ideas off and keep me in check?


Just like a “real” CEO, I need counsel and a reality check from time to time. And I definitely need guidance around how to proceed in certain situations–advice on a potential career move, discussions around how to approach a challenge with a client or ideas/best practices to integrate into a PR/communications plan I’m putting together. I need a cadre of savvy counselors who can guide me on my journey, just like a CEO. 

Turns out, I already have it. Informally, at least.

For me, it’s a combination of former managers, mentors, colleagues and people I just really respect and trust. I’m not going to call out my board members by name, but rest-assured I call on them regularly for advice and help. Of course, I collaborate and get thoughts from my entire network of colleagues, friends and family as well (including folks I’ve met on Twitter), but I really rely on my board–those folks I’ve come to truly know and trust–for the big-picture thinking and savvy advice.

What about you? Do you have an informal board of directors? How often do you meet with them?  If not, do you have a plan to start something similar in 2009? Why or why not?



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