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Introducing The HAPPO Report



A year-and-a-half ago my friend Valerie Simon and I started the HAPPO “movement” (for lack of a better term) along with 35-plus PR bloggers across the country. In that time, we’ve hosted a handful of HAPPO Twitter chats and even organized the first-ever live “HAPPO Hour” event in 10 different markets across the country.

Today, I want to introduce you to the next step in the HAPPO evolution: The HAPPO Report.

The HAPPO Report is a weekly e-newsletter that will feature hyper-local job opportunities, job seekers, local upcoming events, relevant posts and helpful advice.

Since this is a fairly aggressive undertaking for a team of volunteers, we’re testing the concept here in my backyard in Minnesota first. Based on the success (or lack thereof) here in Minnesota, we may or may not give this a try in other markets where we have HAPPO champions across the country.

A few other quick, relevant tid-bits about The HAPPO Report:

* Subscriptions are free. Just sign up here. We only ask for your name, email address and organization.

* Wednesday delivery. The HAPPO Report will be a weekly e-newsletter–straight to your inbox every Wednesday (this is subject to change per market, but it’s what we’re starting with here in Minnesota).

* Working on partnerships. Each market (potentially) will be different, but HAPPO champs will be coordinating partnerships with local organizations they believe can help with the local HAPPO Reports (here in Minnesota, we will be partnering with the local PRSA chapter–more to come on that very soon).

* Test and tweak. Again, we’re just starting with Minnesota. If all goes well here, we already have our eyes on a few key markets across the country.

* Wanted: Minnesota jobs and job seekers. In you’re in Minnesota and you have a job or you’re looking for a job, please drop me a note. You could be a featured job seeker down the road–and I’d love to highlight your jobs in the weeks and months ahead. Email me at arik.hanson@gmail.com.

So, if you’re you’re interested in receiving The HAPPO Report (and you live in Minnesota), by all means, sign up here (if you’re not in Minnesota, stay tuned, we may be coming to your market or city soon). But don’t stop there–share this post with a friend or colleague you think could benefit from job opportunities, upcoming events and relevant blog posts each Wednesday. In the spirit of HAPPO, do what you can today to “help a PR pro out.”



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