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5 ways for PR pros to give back this holiday season


We focus so much time, attention and money on what we give as gifts to our family and friends this time of year. But, have we thought about what we might give BACK as PR professionals this holiday season?

I know Christmas has passed, but if I may, a few ideas for 2011:

* Give back to the profession. Think about donating your time and talents to a PRSA committee. First, it will help your local chapter–PRSA is always looking for enthusiastic and passionate people to help organize chapter work. Second, it will help YOU get involved more actively and intimately with your local PRSA chapter. This one’s a no brainer if you’re not doing it already.

* Give back to our journalism colleagues. Consider donating and supporting new journalism models like MinnPost locally here in Minnesota (disclaimer: MinnPost picks up my posts from time to time as part of their Blog Cabin project).

* Give back to the community. Think about volunteering your PR talents for a local non-profit in your community. Non-profits are typically in dire need of quality PR help–you can provide a useful service. Think of a non-profit that you are particularly passionate about and get to work!

* Give back to your alma mater. Instead of donating financially, why not volunteer to speak at your alma mater this spring? Chances are, PR/communications professors are always looking for folks in the field to come back and speak to their classes (right, Barbara Nixon and Kelli Matthews?).

* Give back to a peer. No better way to help a colleague than helping them find a job. Through #happo, you have that opportunity. But, do more than share a tweet. Reach out and ask a friend out to coffee. Find out more about what kind of job they’re really looking for and think of folks you could connect them with (and not necessarily just those searching for a new hire).

Anything to add?



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