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21 real-time marketing Super Bowl prop bets


As the “Big Game” approaches this weekend, there’s one thing I always like to check.

No, not the money line.

The prop bets.

My favorites from this year’s crop include:

“Will Knoshown Moreno cry during the National Anthem?”

“Will Michael Crabtree mention Richard Sherman in a tweet during the game?” (God I hope not)

“Will the power go out in the stadium during the game?” (LOL Super Bowl)


But, after watching a funny conversation on Twitter with fellow Twin Cities PRs/social media marketers George Fiddler and Andrew Miller, I’m enthralled with a whole new category of prop bets: The Real-Time Marketing prop bets!

So, let’s get this going right now! Let’s have some fun with this. Here’s my line-up of 15 Real-Time Marketing prop bets. If you care to wager, please email me at arik@arikhanson. I am NOT kidding!

1–Number of worthless branded hash tags featured on ads during the Super Bowl: Over/Under–127

2–Number of different shapes Oreo will construe its cookie in for Facebook posts/Instagram pics/tweets: Over/Under–8

3–Number of “clever” tweets clearly written by advertising firm copywriters: Over/Under: Too many to count

4–Number of times the #beatspills (this is a real thing) tweet about Richard Sherman during the game: Over/Under 23

5–Number of tweets by Carmax forcing the #SlowClap hash tag upon us: Over/Under 13

6–Number of tweets, Facebook post, Instagram pics, Snapchats, YouTube videos, Quora posts and Pins brands post congratulating the winning team: Over/Under: 1,452

7–Number of tweets by brands simply announcing the score: Over/Under: 8 (yes, I am predicting this will happen)

8–Number of brands who won’t be able to resist the chance to blantantly push their products in a tweet while trying their best to be relevant to viewers of the Big Game: Over/Under: 34

9–How many Vines will Dunkin Donuts post during the “Big Game?” Over/Under–16

10–Number of hash tags used that will exceed 20 characters: Over/Under–15

11–Number of times brands will reference the cold/snow/wind chill in an attempt to “connect with consumers”: Over/Under–23

12–How many times will SEGA use the hash tag #beastmode to promote the release of its newest re-claimed video game: Altered Beast 2: The Return? Over/Under: 7

13–Number of “jokes” brands attempt using the Omaha snap-count Peyton Manning’s been using all season long: Over/Under–45

14–Number of times Campbell’s will tweet about it’s Chunky Soup line using the #potroast hash tag during the game (nickname of Denver’s Terrance Knighton): Over/Under: 4

15–How many Photoshopped photos of NFL players will GoDaddy use in its tweets playing off this commercial? Over/Under: 8 (love this commercial, btw)

16–How many times will M&Ms (Mars) use the #whathappenedtopeanut hash tag (#buriedinsnow?) during the Big Game? Over/Under: 12

17–Will Bose attempt to pick a Twitter fight (hello publicity stunt) with Beats in the pre-game as Richard Sherman parades around Met Life Stadium with his Beats headphones on? Money line: 220/150

18–Number of tweets Toro will send during the game offering to help clean off Met Life Stadium (in the event it’s snowing during the game): Over/Under: 9

19–How many brands will tweet the following: “RT if you’re excited to watch the Big Game tonight!” in a lame attempt to gain RTs: Over/Under: 34

20–Number of times Hydrox Cookies will tweet at Oreo during the Big Game, continuing to claim that it was, in fact, the first creme-filled chocolate cookie: Over/Under: 21

21–Number of times Arbys will ask Bruno Mars when it can have it’s hat back (after Bruno Mars steals Pharrell’s hat and wears it during his live halftime show performance): Over/Under–7



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