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10 tips to help you expand your PR network


Thursday night here in Minneapolis one of my favorite events of the year took place: The Alphabet Bash. It’s one gigantic networking party with folks from PRSA, IABC, AdFed, MIMA and a host of other professional organizations here in Minneapolis/St. Paul. It’s the one time of year when I reconnect with a lot of my PR colleagues around town. I love it.

This year, I had the honor and privilege of presenting at the pre-event networking seminar. My topic: How to network like a Rock Star. OK, I know, lame title. But, some of the advice I provided weren’t your “garden-variety” tips. Here’s the presentation (in Prezi). I plan to blow a few of these key points into larger posts in the weeks ahead. For now, I’d love your feedback on the presentation below.



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