Trend Reports
It’s a fact: People who read more and stay on top of industry trends have longer-lasting, more successful careers in PR, comms and social media marketing. OK, it’s not a fact. I just made that up–but, it’s an opinion that I believe in strongly. And, it’s a big reason I’ve developed the Talking Points Trend Report.
By signing up, each Friday, you’ll receive a Talking Points Trend Report in your inbox full of data points and research, trends, news on updates to social media tools, and case studies. It’s designed to be a deeper-dive version of my weekly e-newsletter. Social media news and information curated–just for you.
And, if you’re a manager or leader of a social media or comms team, you can share this report with them, too. So, it’s not just you that’s getting smarter–it’s your entire team!
Want a sneak peek at what the Trend Report looks like? Send me a note at and I’ll send you a sample. So, you can effectively “try before you buy.”
For full pricing for my Talking Points Trend Reports, send me a note at
Here’s to life-long learning!