
Arik is a sought-after speaker and lecturer for workshops, academic courses, and conferences and events for local and national organizations. Arik frequently shares his perspective on the trends, best practices and most critical challenges facing today’s organizations within the digital marketing, PR and social media landscape. Arik has presented at several events, including:

Solo PR Summit, Atlanta

BlogWorld, Las Vegas

Corporate Volunteerism Council, Minneapolis

Minnesota Medical Group Management Association, Minneapolis

MIMA Summit, Minneapolis

Minnesota School Public Relations Association, Minneapolis, Destin, Fla., Seattle

Social Media Breakfast, Minneapolis

Minnesota Health Strategy and Communicators Network, Minneapolis


Here’s what people who have hired Arik to speak have to say about his presentations:

“I invited Arik to speak to a conference of the marketers for all 37 Minnesota State colleges and universities.  He provided a powerful, thought-provoking presentation about social media trends that had my attendees talking and referencing his points throughout the rest of the conference.  He really helped us advance our conversation.” –

Noelle Hawton, Minnesota State Chief Marketing and Communications Officer


Here’s a sampling of his most recent presentations:

8 Social Media Trends to Watch in 2019 from Arik Hanson